
Chapter 4

Somebody told me the other day that I was pragmatic.  While in all honesty I'm not entirely sure what that means (English experts, by all means), I think it has something to do with having a generally practical approach to things where experience trumps theory.  If that's the case, this person was quite right in two ridiculous cases this past week.  In each instance, the knowledge of the theory was known, but without proper experience I had no perception of their real-world implications.

LESSON ONE (from my father): Whenever you buy a car (or motorbike), the only way to know when the oil was last changed is to change it yourself.

How I learned Lesson One: The fellow I'm buying the bike from says, "I just changed the oil; it should be good for about 3000km."  Fast forward several weeks and oh, look!  There's Jonathan on the side of the road with his Gorilla!  Is that smoke?

The last conversation I had with the mechanic putting together a parts list that is taking DAYS to assemble went more or less like this: "It's not looking good buddy."

LESSON TWO (perhaps from my mother): Cooking with oil is dangerous.  It can splatter and burn and even catch on fire.

How I learned Lesson Two:  I love sweet potato fries.  I love them so much I put "sweet potatoes" on my grocery list.  You can imagine my delight when Bob came home with 10 lbs of sweet potatoes about a week ago.  Now, to make sweet potato fries, you have to fry the sweet potatoes.  To achieve this goal, I put a sauce pan on the burner, put in enough veggie oil to submerge my fries-to-be, and set my attention to cutting up a sweet potato.  Fast forward several minutes.  All done!  Let's start putting them in my hot oil to cook!  Remove the lid.  Oops!  I have an enormous fire on my hands!  I know, I should put out the fire!  What puts out fires?  Hmm.... oh ya!  Water!


Those of you with some understanding of basic kitchen chemistry can predict what happened next.  If not, imagine my terror when flames engulfed the cupboards over the sink, reached the ceiling, set ablaze the paper towel roll, and melted the tupperware sitting on the drying rack.  I thought the light had somehow gone out, but no, it was just the smoke filling the studio.

Fortunately I emerged with only singed hair, eyebrows and eyelashes, and a few minor splatter burns on my hands and wrists.  I was able to stay collected enough to douse the paper towels before anything really problematic caught fire.  This weekend I will have the privilege of scrubbing the soot stained walls and ceiling, after which all will be forgiven.

These are the two lessons I learned this past week.  The moral is obvious, but here it is:  When you are taught something, please pay attention.  There are reasons for things being the way they are.  So boys and girls, whether its an engine or a kitchen you're dealing with, for goodness' sake...

Check. Your. Oil.


Chapter 3

To my 2 or 3 readers, I beg your pardon for my negligence here.  Is it what it is, and I shan't tarry on that point so let's get to it:

These days a blog can be one of a million things.  As wild and treacherous a beast the internet may be, how excellent a canvas it is for any and all who choose to use it as such.  I start there only to mention the fact that my blog has had no direction, thus I've had little motivation to maintain it, and thus you, the reader, have had nothing to read.  What I write about must, of course, matter to me, or I wouldn't write about it.  Just as important, it should be of interest to you, or else I should just keep a diary.  I don't want to be selfish with my thoughts and experiences by keeping them to myself, nor do I want to be egotistical and vain by overstating the facts of my grand adventure in "paradise".

All this to say: Let this be a restart for all of this blog nonsense.  For those of you that are and have been interested in the daily happenings of life here (viz. close friends and family), I will try to give quick overviews of my personal experiences in Hawaii.  Beyond that I will try to close with a lessons I've learned or  pesky thoughts I've had or lingering questions I've been asking myself so as to include all of you that I love on this adventure -- which, like all adventures, is one of the heart and mind and soul more than anything else.

So let's start from the beginning.  First of all, I would strongly advise everyone that hasn't already to spend a few minutes checking out the Big Island on Google Maps in satellite view.  The island is just as insane as it looks, and this little diversion can keep you busy for at least a few minutes.  Notice the striations created by ancient lava flows, the barren peaks and the lush coastlines.  Zoom out a ways and see just how massive a volcano we're really talking about by seeing where it finally reaches the ocean floor.  Evidently there are 13 climate zone types in the world, and the Big Island has 11 of them (all but Arctic and Saharan).  This place is wild.  There is a road that goes around the island, and essentially all development is restricted to that road down to the coast, farms being essentially the only implementations above the road a ways.  There is Hilo on the east side and Kailua-Kona on the west, Hilo being a "normal" town and Kona being the tourist hotspot.  Aside from that, human existence is predominantly agrarian, and much of the island remains back-country.  

With all of that it follows that some parts of the island are paradisaical indeed, while others are straight-up lunar.  Dragon's Lair Estate is somewhere in between.  It is lush beyond description (or, one anecdote I heard put it this way: You could stick a broom in the ground and it would grow), but it is every bit on the side of a volcano, rocky and harshly graded.  The farm is a few acres, only 200 feet wide and the rest long.  Bob and Beryl are my hosts, an "elderly" couple hailing from the mainland and Australia, respectively.  I put elderly in quotations as it is really just a formality.  Bob turned 75 the other day but remains just about as limber and able-bodied as I am in or around my prime.  I don't know Beryl's age exactly (and I dare not ask), but it is the same story.  Up until last week, I also had two other interns to round out my company here on the farm, Hope and Eliza.  They came as friends who graduated from high school this year, and are taking a gap semester of sorts.  They were good workers and dear companions.  I will miss the social exercise, the free meals, and the energy that community provides.  I hope they will remember me fondly and I wish them the very best the rest of the way.

As for daily duties, it's fair for me to simply say that I do what needs to be done.  Today, for example, I spent weed whacking (one of my favorite duties as it turns out; very cathartic).  The past few months have been harvest time, so in that regard you could say I came at the right time.  It is all just now winding down, so most days have been busy with processing.  That might be picking, pulping, washing, raking, milling, sorting, roasting, or packaging coffee.  We do it all and Bob and Beryl entrust us with the whole deal, so from an educational and hands-on experience standpoint, it is hard to imagine a better situation.  Looking ahead, the weeks and months to come will be spent cleaning the trees (picking all of the leftover, unusable beans), pruning, and in essence preparing the ship for next year.

Weekends are still looked forward to, as opportunities to get off the farm during the week are scarce.  I did buy a 50cc Honda Gorilla minibike soon after getting here as you all probably know by now, and it has been essential.  Bob advised against such a purchase on the grounds of safety concerns, and I hated going against his recommendation.  That being said, I am extremely prone to stir-craziness, and my suspicion is that by now had I not purchased the wheels, I would surely be asking myself why I signed up for this.  There is no discredit to the farm life or Bob and Beryl there, please don't misunderstand.  Rather, I am doomed to the fate of a restless soul.  Needless to say, Saturday mornings I hop on and take off.  For the most part, I just ride around.  I might go down to the beach and hang out for a bit.  I might go into town and walk around the tourist shops and watch the people.  I might take the upper, windy road and stop at a cafe for the quintessential coffee and a book ritual.  Nothing fancy, but the freedom that I experience is beyond description.  It is common that an involuntary shout of jubilation will leap from my heart as I zip on by a particularly stunning view of a bay beneath or an awe-inspiring stretch of hardwood forest opens up for me.

So this is a very concise summation of the life of Jonathan here in Hawaii thus far.  Going forward, provided I do indeed keep up with posting, I'll try to be a bit more specific.  Let this be a Catch Up post of sorts.

As to my take on the whole bit, I should say first of all that I came here with no expectations.  Before I came here, the trip would often come up in conversation with acquaintances and whatnot, and the responses were almost universally excitement or questions about my excitement ("OMG THAT'S SO EXCITING!!!" or, "OMG ARE YOU SO EXCITED?!?!").  I never quite knew what to do with that, as the future is such a strange thing to get excited about.  That's not to say, of course, that nothing exciting is ahead.  Certainly my experience here is exciting to me.  But it's exciting to me because it is at hand, because I am experiencing it, because it's a reality and it's inescapable.  It's true that I came here first and foremost to work and to learn, and that is exactly what I am doing.  Most days are actually quite mundane and pedestrian.  There's plenty of room to romanticize the whole thing in my mind or my accounts, but there's no need.  At the end of the day, aside from a few cosmetic differences, people are still people, work is still work, and life goes madly on.  And that is exciting to me.

It'd be a shame if I diluted it too much though, as not all experiences are created equal.  Train of thought time:

A few weeks ago at breakfast, seemingly out of nowhere Bob started talking about way back in the day when he had dreams to sail around the world.  Then he said something to the effect of, "When I was your age, you went to college, graduated, got a job, got married, bought a house in the suburbs and had 2.1 kids."  I very much doubt that you would ever hear Bob say that he has any regrets, but the incident at the breakfast table struck me as something sad.

 I was working construction before I came here, and all things considered it was a pretty good gig.  I was working with friends, I was outside, and I was getting paid pretty well to boot.  It was also hard as hell most days and I basically gave my life up for it for a few months there.

"Turn to page 112 if you want to keep working construction... OR ...Turn to page 143 if you want to move to Hawaii and work on a coffee farm."

Going back to those conversations with folks during the months leading up to my departure, another common thread was a type of restrained admiration, or at least curiosity.  People would find the whole idea interesting, or brave, or original, or strange, or awesome.  I don't wholly disagree with any of those sentiments, but am I crazy for thinking that my decision to come here was guided in large part by good ol' Common Sense?  Why on earth would I not come to Hawaii?  If it's helpful, then yes, life is one big Choose Your Own Adventure book.

And to close us out, some food for thought from our good friend Solomon:

Go, eat your food with gladness, and drink your wine with a joyful heart, for God has already approved what you do. Always be clothed in white, and always anoint your head with oil. Enjoy life with your wife, whom you love, all the days of this meaningless life that God has given you under the sun—all your meaningless days. For this is your lot in life and in your toilsome labor under the sun. Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might, for in the realm of the dead, where you are going, there is neither working nor planning nor knowledge nor wisdom.

Don't get stuck.  See you around.


Chapter 2

I am in Hawaii.

This past weekend I faced my fears:

FYI: I won't be posting updates or pictures on Facebook.  I will be posting pictures semi-regularly on here.  Click on the little slideshow on the sidebar to check out what I've got so far.  


Chapter 1

The need for adventure is such a curious thing.  Whether to count it a blessing or a curse is lost on me.  Coming to terms with the idea that I may never be content with whatever it is that I'm occupied with at a given point in time is nothing short of depressing.  On the other hand, that discontentment will always propel me into my next adventure, and the future- while wholly unknown- has every potential to be so rich and fantastic, ever exciting.

It's likely that everyone has a need for adventure.  In some it might be squelched and suppressed, and in others it is dim to begin with.  In every case, though, it's there.  I am one man and can't compare my restlessness with the next man's in any objective sense, but I know that I've got to keep moving.

The greatest curse of it all?  I miss the people that I love, and starting over even if just temporarily is one hell of a task.



The heart of man is cold and blind.  It can't understand that to help another is to help one's self.  The potential betterment of the world which we all share is passed over at every instant for the moment of self-gratification or comfort. We don't give because it costs, when in fact that logic is absurd since by keeping for ourselves we are suspending progress.  Things- time, talent, money, ideas- must be flung off into the world so that they can become other things, better things.  The only progress made by keeping things is towards a lonely grave of wasted stuff.  To not give is costlier than anything else.

The world is comprised of an endless set of variables, and each man is one.  The result is a strange, sometimes frightening, dysfunctional product called Today, then Tomorrow, and then The Next Day.  To be a part of such a preposterous thing is a wild notion indeed, and to go it alone is preposterous.   

Create. Share. Help. Improve yourself for the sake of others.  Not because you are virtuous (you aren't), but because you have common sense.